Timeline & Milestones
The Zia Station site has been undergoing a process of public input, transportation studies, reviews, and approvals for several years. The Rail Runner Express station is scheduled to potentially open in spring 2011. Development and construction of the area surrounding the station requires extensive planning and public reviews to ensure the entire development meets the goals of the community.
Zia Road–Business as Usual?
According to a recent State funded transportation study, the “best” approach to solving the congestion at Zia Road and St. Francis Drive is to expand Zia Road to 8 lanes, both east and west of St. Francis Drive.
The Zia Station development, while needing to comply with City and State regulations, will be proposing roadway improvements that balance the needs of the automobile with those of pedestrians and bicyclists.
Pumice Plant in 2004
Purchase and demolition of the pumice plant by SF Brown took place from 2001-2007.